luni, 2 septembrie 2013

Despre "bad timing"

"If you have chemistry all you need is timing.
But timing is a bitch"

Daca exista chimie...mai e nevoie doar de momentul ideal
Dar momentul/timpul (ideal/potrivit) e ca o curva.

Pierdem momente e drept. Nu stim sa profitam de "alinierea planetelor" si scapam printre degete ceva ce poate...
Poate, daca...
Si cu toate astea mai cred si in instinct.
Si ca "daca e sa se va intampla"

Sau, oare adun toate zicalele convenabile mie?

Recunosc: o parte din mine se uita cu ciuda in oglinda, acum, in cea dintai zi de septembrie. Ma critica si-mi spune ca poate nu era doar o lectie a momentului, poate m-am lasat prada sechelelor. Nu-mi place de mine in contradictie cu mine. Imi spun ca am aruncat tot raul si tot binele (prin comparatie) intr-o carca incapabila sa le poarte.
N-aveti cum sa intelegeti, nici macar citind printre randuri. Iar eu, sunt prea egoista sa va explic.

Sa ma fi indragostit sau sa nu ma fi indragostit? Asta-i intrebarea.

Not this time Huston.

Roget that. Over!

And out.

5 comentarii:

matematica-fizica-chimie-filosofie spunea...
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matematica-fizica-chimie-filosofie spunea...
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Anonim spunea...

If there is any chemistry we learn from our mistakes of the past that we do not want to think.
If the planets align and we believe in the stars and dreaming of something unreal and still believe and hope that we deserve to fall in love to feel love.
Your instinct will be to understand what will and what decision you need to take.
That does not mean it should be and happen.
I do not think I need to understand you or explain to me, when there are people like you that you're not alone.
Do not be so dramatic, you are a person full of life, open your heart and live it.
You need to find the perfect man to fall in love .. right?
Be safe and have a great day!

Sabbra spunea...

Why everything is always about the man, or the perfect man, or about the love?
As I said before...I don't need anything.
if its meant to will be

Anonim spunea...

Agree with you! No more comments to this article! :)

Be safe and have a great day!