sâmbătă, 5 aprilie 2014

Take it or leave it

There's a certain point in a woman's life when playing games means nothing anymore. It gets boring and she realizes that she could do every other thing instead. Usually this happens when you realize what you're worth and who you are. Snobbish or not, I decided not to take credit for someone else's loss.
I am not willing to give people time anymore because I know time is my most precious asset right now. I've got to a point where I do not care or need people's acceptance, their compliments, or their admiration. I am very capable of feeling comfortable with my qualities and my flaws, to know what I can offer and what I can't.
We usually need compliments and support to built a strong self confidence. Oh well... I managed to do that by myself.
I'm not saying I don't need people around me to like me or to correct me when I go the wrong ways but I am not willing to make efforts to keep someone in my life or convince someone to keep me in theirs. I just want to act natural and follow my instinct in the moment. I want to be honest and not try to distinguish the words between the lines. It was fun for a while to try and read thoughts, but right now I am in the process of  "speak now or forever hold your peace".
Being able to reborn from your own ashes gives you a certain confidence that you can walk away from almost everything :) So...when you have to deal with confused people and interpret their confused actions...you just don't want to lose time.
And, off course, I am more that willing to receive the same treatment from others. I don't need people to read my thoughts and guess my desires. If I want something, I get it. If I need someone I'm gonna tell him/her. Losing moments is not in my to do list anymore.
I love the flirting game, the psychological game of getting to know someone, but making these processes a permanent mood gets me tired. And, presently I have so many exciting options...to believe that everything is possible instead of getting stuck in a confused moment :)

So...to summarize all the words above: don't you toy with me :) It will only get you to lose me :) Be straight and you might get my attention. I'm losing interest very easily as it is, you don't need to race me in that direction :)

Live well and prosper!

19 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Hmm,gândit corect . Dar sunt curios dacă tot ți-ai făcut publice aceste gânduri: au fost împărțite, discutate subiectiv înainte apoi a rezultat această concluzie obiectiva ?
Un cumna(ț) anonim

Sabbra spunea...

:) Nu cred ca e o concluzie ci mai mult o stare de spirit. Dar, ai dreptate, trebuie impartasita starea :) Daca mi se va da ocazia o voi si face. Ca in ultima perioada a fost mai mult decat dificil sa-mi fac cunoscute gandurile :)

Anonim spunea...

După cum spuneai " If I needs someone (something) i'm gonna tell" .Ca sa ai anumite așteptări este important sa comunici concret nevoile/nemultumirile/cerințele ca sa rezolvi lucrurile într-un sens sau altul, decât sa-ti expui nemulțumire la modul general și public, apoi sa aștepți posibil întrebări și rezolvări de probleme în particular.
Cum spui ca te-ai saturat de jocuri gândește-te ca și tu necomunicand, faci același lucru : te joci.
Ocazia nu trebuie sa ți se dea. Pui mana și scrii/vorbești/ verși "oful" în particular.
Același Anonim

Simona Corlateanu spunea...

Eu cred ca felul in care te-ai exprimat in text reprezinta un fel de confirmare a ta ca esti increzatoare si stapana pe emotiile tale. Felul in care te pozitionezi este unul de superioritate, ca tu esti consecventa si stii exact ce vrei si ca nu mai ai rabdare sa stai sa iti pierzi timpul cu o persoana care e inca nehotarata si evaziva...iar jocurile astea te fac sa iti pierzi interesul. Eu asta am inteles. Ca asteptarile tale sunt mari si partenerul nu le indeplineste. Cum nici tu nu vrei sa ghicesti , corect ar fi, sa nu lasi dorintele astea tot sub forma de enigma nici tu ci sa le transmiti in acord cu postura pe care o adopti.

Sabbra spunea...

:) Nu este un articol canalizat intr-o anumita directie ci mai degraba imi exprima dorinta la modul general. Faptul ca l-am postat aici ca sa-mi am "mood-ul" intiparit in memorie (este felul meu de a-mi arhiva gandurile) nu inseamna ca n-a fost impartasit si discutat.
Nu sunt genul de om care sa traiasca cu gura inchisa sau nemultumirile nespuse :))
Per total din text nu as vrea sa se inteleaga ca ma pozitionez superior. Cum spuneam, sunt complet deschisa la un tratament reciproc, daca este cazul.

In rest...metafora :P

Anonim spunea...

Better to leave IT... the day feminism made women officially superior in their moral amibitions as 'the oppressed' from that day on love is, any way you play it, a waste of time ... Pleasurable at times..yet never easy and never FREE.... The only valid question is if we can leave IT by choice or it leaves us before we know it!... Self confidence can be then the illusion you left love not that it was gone or that you dont't know it.

Sabbra spunea...

Dear anonymous... No one was talking about love...so..there's no point to mention it :P

Anonim spunea...

As I was 'hinting' then, love's wasted on you. But then against isn't every line you write about love? Maybe you should ask your mates if this is true... Or be half-honest and call it self-love... so everything you do it it is not (about) love then!

Sabbra spunea...

Oh, how I missed the famous hating anonymous :)
Love is wasted on me? How do you know that? :P

Anonim spunea...

Oh, and how you've missed the 2nd sentence, conveniently... the one that starts with 'But...' If your message was about 'a relationship' then you seem to want relationships to be like tansactions? I Sabbra put my dough in and I want my pretzels out, nice! How come, can you answer that? And, NO I don't hate.. I call it, I don't love'em enough!

Sabbra spunea...

I did not miss anything conveniently :)
I can do whatever I want and explain what I want or skip explanations if it pleases me.
YOU want to know IF every line I write is about love?
EVERY line I write is WITH love!

The details between the lines are only for the ones that know me outside the blog :)

Anonim spunea...

As a rule, pips who like writing open up more or can be more themselves in writing. Apparently you are more the opposite, more open in real life. Say this is true, then your writing is a ruse and your message too.

Loved the cry of desperation between the lines, for a guy who's obviously not keen to commit and now has reasons to be more indiferent... and/or the little princess routine wishing for a relationship that is predictable and safe, if only... Now that should send signals to any guys out there that know you in flesh.

Is this what you were talking about, since you were not talking about love? Hope your 'ruse' works and pleases you my lady...though obviously you are not in love! Me I am just more open in writing.

Sabbra spunea...

There was a time when your attempt to angry me worked :)
Then you promised to disappear forever...but apparently you just cannot stay away from my blog :)
Though you DON'T know me as much as you like to pretend you do :) That doesn't stop you to jump into conclusions :)
Anyways... go ahead and "predict" my messages between the lines, or what YOU think I want :P
I am HAPPY now :)
I moved on.
So...if assuming this or that about who I am or what I fell makes you...less bitter...just do it (nike :P )

Anonim spunea...

That was really below the belt coming from you.. Like a switch you seem to have 2 phases when it comes to 'taking'.. Either, one has to agree with you and be in awe or one is 'against you' or worse regardless of honesty and no 'agenda'... You seem to put me in the 2nd box naturally - so it is not my prob you think like a switch.

I have wondered if you really changed and was fun to see the same old Sabbra up to her neck in self-love now with an English twist - that got me to reply. I wonder how come you didn't write yet a manual (in English) on how men should behave in a relationship with you?... it could be a best seller in some 'territories'!! For my part I'd say if you really love writing grow a heart first or stick to Pilates... though you put on a bit of weight. Probably the wine... but what can you do...oh yeah you can Photoshop them.

Was this 'the me you say I should be'?.. and below the belt enough so that we're even?

I actually did stay away for months and these months have been quite good for me too, though the skying was crap in RoMania as everything else minus StradaSforii. And, if I would have stayed away forever that would have been like a marriage sentence - sorry but marriage-like decisions don't work for me anymore!

As an 'acquitance' maybe you could have me asked how I am.. I guess that proves my point about, your drowning in self-love, beyond reasonable doubt.

Sabbra spunea...

Below the belt?
Come on! I was just honest :) And,as I told you before: I LOVE MYSELF and I am fucking proud of it :)
Never denied this...I dont know why you keep bringing this on the table?
Yes, I am narcissistic and I do not hide this.
You think if you tell me about Photoshop, or about me putting on some weight, or trying to guess something about my relationships will do WHAT?
It is my fault that I give you the attention you need to feel special :)
It wont happen again :)

Anonim spunea...

Sabbra, I need more attention than you can probably give as a woman to the man you want...

So I didn't waste my time trying to change that months back. Even in your last message you are trying to convince me (and us here) that I/we should 'love' you - and you do that a lot.

I know pretty well where I am with you and I don't need 'old madness'. I need a long holiday with lots of free loving - a sense of freedom a sense that all is possible; a sense you cannot offer. And no I wasn't guessing I was replying to your thoughts.. my guessing is wilder and I can be very cynical when I am not loyal to someone - after all I didn't leave Romania beause I was happily 'in love' there!

One thing I am glad is that you are better, and that you are fine with the world as it is and that you look fresh as you should. So my opinion is you should worry less about men, calculate less and live life and you will be most likely with who you love to be and not necessarily with who you plan to be! And here is one thing I admit I don't know about you even from this 'river of thought' that is you: what exactly makes you happy - really happy!

Paste Fericit. I'll be back... (in a few months)! r

Sabbra spunea...

:) See how you toy with me? First you attack and then you ask me what makes me really really happy?
Please read my 10 last blog posts and you will find out a lot of new things.
Riding horses makes me really really happy. And last night, when I was sleeping, and I felt my boyfriend's hand looking for me through the warm sheets. Then his body glued to mine and his nose in the back of my head. That made me very very happy.
Perfect moments make me happy. My weekly meeting with the gang (my friends) make me happy.
The happy faces of the girls who train with me make me happy. Them coming to thank me for a wonderful training makes me happy.
ME, being able to forgive and forget bad things.
See...it's all about me again :P this is what you are going to say :)
The list of happy things can go on...but I don't have the time right now :)
bye bye

Anonim spunea...

Sorry Sabbra, didn't think you'd bother to answer that - after all you are so busy... I can't help a good joke when I see one.

Here is the joke... There's nothing sad for a woman to pretending that your cat is your boyfriend at night ..breathing down your neck and touching you with his paws... Many girls over the world do it..and yes in fact your furry purry cat is a boyf! Probably the horse is the lover then that makes the cat jealous!

On a final, even less serious, note... since my first wife was an aerobic instructor and my third is a dance therapist and a yoga fanatic.... I think I can say I know pretty well that there is no light (meaning sex love sharing etc good stuff) at the end of the tunnel of a busy day... What you get is a woman drained (by others) of energy who thinks she saved the world and 'the cat' has to be supportive of that and purr out how great she is.

I have always wonderd who programmed you girls to 'save the world' relentlessly every day every year and never be actually there for the other you say you love and wanted him to commit to a relationship. I suppose you are running from something.. probably yourselves... Not so sure it has to do with your dads that you are try to 'conquer' something constantly, or maybe something to do with your moms being too subservient and fearful - so write about that if you have the heart or the stomach.

So let me thank you for trying to convince us we should love you!...just because you want to save the world and nothing else. I am sure your cat is the best to understands that and purr happily. Nice to see that women don't change and are as narrow minded as men and the world is safe in that knowledge.

Now in the possible words of a guy I have become a fan of recently i.e. Vladimir Putin.. I have to save the world too... from myself.

Sabbra spunea...

Ok :)))
This last comment really convinced me you are truly sick :) You really need to save to world from yourself, as you said.
At least I know for sure I have to ignore every other potential psychological analysis coming from you :)
Live long and prosper